
In our section, you will find a wide range of women's designer inspired bags, adopted by the major brands in real leather. Our bags are of an irreproachable quality and aesthetics, and are notably made of cowhide, sheepskin and crocodile leather. Bags are a flagship wardrobe accessory as they allow us to assert our personality in a feminine and elegant way. They come in a multitude of colours and styles, the most famous are handbags, shoulder bags, or even crossbody bags. They also bring a trendy touch to the outfit. Hobo bags are the darling of women, very fashionable and at the top of fashion, they give an unequalled charm to our clothing style. Bucket bags, just like backpacks, are synonymous with timelessness and are true must-haves that every woman should have in her wardrobe. Belt bags are very popular with vintage retro fashion lovers, while tote bags, on the other hand, are very popular for shopping, as they are real shopping bags !


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  • Size: Large
  • Effect : Crocodile
  • Effect : Quilted

"Jason" Handbag with top...

Crocodile handbag with rounded top handles and a trapezium shape, small flap on the top and leather straps closure and gold metal clasp with padlock on the front, attached key ring, adjustable and removable leather shoulder strap, gold metal protection rivets on the underside of the bag, made of...


"Jason" Top handle bag with...

Handbag with upper handle and a trapezium shape, small flap on the top and leather straps closure and golden metal clasp with padlock on the front, attached key ring, adjustable and removable leather shoulder strap, golden metal protection rivets on the underside of the bag,nmade of genuine...


"Jason" Handbag with...

Crocodile handbag with rounded top handles and a trapezium shape, small flap on the top and leather straps and gold metal clasp with padlock on the front, attached key ring, chain strap with removable leather shoulder strap, gold metal protection rivets on the underside of the bag, made from...


"Vesuvio" Shoulder bag in...

Women's shoulder bag in quilted leather, with flap closure and metal turnlock clasp, worn on the shoulder or cross-body thanks to its adjustable chain strap in soft leather. This bag is made of genuine lambskin leather and is available in black, green, pink and white.


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